The World's Edge

The World's Edge consists solely of the entire southern continent of planet Solaris. It is an enormous continent at that. If it were cut from the globe and placed over the Osperian Forest, it would cover it entirely. This area is home to some incredibly large frostworms, which are massive subterranean worm-like creatures who tunnel through the ice in search of something to eat. There are a few animals who have evolved to live in the tundra, but other than that there isn't a lot to see in the region, though it is home to the mystical Vale of Vishera and the Ardanians.

Notable Inhabitants

Leanna, Ragnud, Vishera

Possible Encounters

Snowstalker, Winterwraith, Prowler, Frostworm, Jorgrun

Notable Locations

Aufeis Village
This Ardanian village is hidden deep within the ice of the Frozen Region. The people who live here are known for their raiding of coastal villages, but they are also skilled craftsmen, traders, and hunters. They worship the Dragonkin Queen Vishera and are driven to venture out into the world, both to steal treasures for their queen and to gain knowledge and supplies.

Vishera's Vale
Vishera's Vale is a hidden location in the Frozen Expanse named after Queen Vishera, the consort of Lord Kelthuron. It is a place where some of the dragonkin of the Thunderwing Brood rebuilt their race after traveling back in time.

Notable Factions

The Ruathar
The Ruathar, a formidable Aufesian warrior clan, instill terror in coastal villages with their merciless raids. Comprising a formidable arsenal of battle experts, from archers and foot Warriors to wizards and healers, they are perceived as fervent devotees of Queen Vishera, and any opposition to her is met with swift and unforgiving retribution.