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The Desert

The Boneyard
The Boneyard is a vast stretch of desert with white sand and the skeletal remains of sandworms and other creatures. The cause of the creatures' death is unknown, but the area is strangely beautiful at night, when the white sand sparkles like diamonds in the moonlight.

The Rift Zone
Krauser Killener documented a mysterious area in Kazarial Desert where dimensional rifts constantly bend and alter reality. The rifts can pull travelers into alternate dimensions, and Krauser posted a warning sign to unsuspecting travelers.

The Shifting Sands
The Shifting Sands are a vast, ever-flowing river of sand that is dangerous to cross by foot or by air. At its center is the Sandstone Plateau, a large flat surface of sandstone with a few ruined buildings. The Shifting Sands have swallowed up a portion of a village or city, and the area is difficult to cross.