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Mechanoid's Unlimited

Mechanoid - "D" Class

This is a mini-mech, a tiny mechanoid companion that can fit in a backpack or perch on a shoulder. It has artificial intelligence, making it a wonderful friend and helper. Many people use mini-mechs as pets that can perform various tasks. Some mini-mechs can even transform into different tools, such as a flashlight, a camera, or a scanner. Mini-mechs are highly customizable, allowing their owners to choose their appearance, personality, and functions.

Notes: Companion, Customizable
Price: 5,000 gold pieces

Mechanoid - "C" Class

This is a medium-mech, a mechanoid companion that is larger than a mini-mech, but smaller than a mega-mech. It is about the size of a large dog, and it has artificial intelligence. Many people use medium-mechs as pets that can keep them company and assist them with various tasks. Some medium-mechs can also transform into different devices, such as a computer, a projector, or a speaker. Medium-mechs are very customizable, allowing their owners to choose their appearance, personality, and functions.

Notes: Companion, Customizable
Price: 10,000 gold pieces

Mechanoid - "B" Class

This is a mega-mech, a mechanoid companion that is large enough for most people to ride on. It has artificial intelligence, making it a loyal and friendly companion. Many people use mega-mechs as land mounts, but some can also fly. Mega-mechs can perform various tasks and transform into different modes, such as a bike, a jet, or a robot. Mega-mechs are very customizable, allowing their owners to choose their appearance, personality, and functions.

Notes: Companion/Mount, Customizable
Price: 15,000 gold pieces

Mechanoid - "A" Class

This is a mega-vehicle, a mechanoid companion that can transform into different vehicles. It can travel on land, air, or water, depending on the mode it chooses. It is large enough to carry the user and a few passengers inside its cabin. It has artificial intelligence, making it a smart and reliable companion. Mega-vehicles are very customizable, allowing their owners to choose their appearance, personality, and functions.

Notes: Mount, Customizable
Price: 25,000 gold pieces

Mechanoid - "S" Class

This is a colossal mechanoid companion that can transform into various vehicle modes. It can travel across different terrains and environments, such as land, air, water, underground, and outer space. It can also accommodate several people inside its spacious interior and allow them to customize it according to their preferences. This is a versatile and adaptable mechanoid that offers unparalleled mobility and functionality.

Notes: Mount, Customizable
Price: 50,000 gold pieces

Mechanoid - "X" Class

This is a gargantuan mechanoid that can serve various purposes, including being a permanent residence. It can transform into different vehicle modes that enable it to traverse diverse domains and dimensions, such as land, air, water, underground, outer space, and beyond. It can also house many people comfortably within its vast interior and let them personalize it to their liking. This is a multifaceted and flexible mechanoid that provides unrivaled versatility and convenience.

Notes: Mount, Customizable
Price: 100,000 gold pieces